Holiday food


Your Plan To Lose Weight

Having a food plan will help you lose weight. Plain and Simple, right? Well, it’s plain, but it may not be so simple for many.

Simple Gourmet Grilling

It is the season to get the grill fired up and bring on that wonderful, smoky taste. Forget the standard BBQ steak. Here are some

Memorial Day Makeover Madness

Another holiday is upon us once again. This is the official holiday start of the summer season where we are now getting into bathing suit

What If You Blew It?

Have you eaten too much lately?  Don’t stress about it or go to the gym and overdo it!  Just keep moving forward by picking right

Christmas Survival: Part Two

So the big day is almost upon us and you need to be prepared.  Start today out right by having breakfast, and then get ready

The Weekly Planner

Hopefully, most of you have the day off and are able to use some time to prepare for the upcoming week.  Reinforce the healthy habits

my 10 biggest secrets for weight loss

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