Superfood: Curry

ground curry powder

Curry powder is a mixture of different spices and can be made up of numerous ingredients, depending on the region of the world as well as personal preference. Some of the more common ingredients found in curry spice are turmeric, fenugreek, coriander, cinnamon, ginger, mustard seed, cayenne pepper, and cardamom.
Curry powder is native to South Asian cuisine, but became popular in the western world in the 19th and 20th centuries due to the mass exploitation of the condiment after it was discovered by troops and other colonial visitors to the East. Since Indian cuisine has become more popular, curry or curry powder has become more widely available. Culinary Uses Curry powder is often used as an all-purpose seasoning. It is most commonly used to flavor stews, soups, sauces, marinades, meats and vegetables
The health benefits of curry powder depend on the ingredients added to the curry powder. These benefits can include the prevention and treatment of cancer prevention, Alzheimers disease, pain and inflammation relief, antibacterial activity, heart health, and possibly liver and bon health. Consuming curry powder regularly may provide cancer preventative benefits. Turmeric, and more importantly its component curcumin, can stimulate anti-cancer activity by reducing or even stopping cancer growth and activity. Curcumin, the organic component of turmeric not only aids in cancer prevention, but also in the prevention of Alzheimers disease. Researchers have shown that curcumin turns on the production of antioxidant proteins, which protects the brain against oxidative injury, the culprit of aging and neurodegenerative disease, thus reducing cognitive decline and preventing Alzheimers disease.
Once again, turmeric is an agent of positive health in terms of pain and inflammation. Turmeric actively decreases joint inflammation and deterioration, as well as associated pains of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Among the ingredients present in majority of curry powder throughout the world is coriander, which aids in fighting bacterial infections, particularly intestinal infections.
Eating a healthy amount of curry powder can increase digestive health and keep the immune system strong in its defense against microorganisms like Escherichia coli. Cardamon, another ingredient commonly found in curry powder, has been characterized as a vasodilator. It affects the protein in the body that reduces the tension in the blood vessels, thus leads to a reduction in blood pressure, which reduces the chances of many cardiovascular conditions such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. When it comes to liver and bone health, there have been studies done to determine the health benefits of curry powder; however, those studies were conducted on animals. Studies on human beings are still in the early stages, but show a promising future.

Recipes using Curry:

Curried Garbanzo Bean Stew

Curried Beef with Potatoes and Peas


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