How to Feel Full and Still Lose Weight: 3 Must-Do Strategies

Wondering how to feel full and still reach your weight loss goals? Follow these 3 strategies each day and you’ll see the results you are hoping for.

A new year always brings a sense of a fresh start. But you may also feel the pressure to make big changes, including with your weight. This can feel overwhelming at times if you don’t have the right tools. 

One of the things I hear most from new clients is that when they tried to lose weight in the past, they always felt hungry. You have likely experienced the same thing.

So I want to share with you 3 areas you must pay attention to and manage to feel satisfied. Because no one wants to feel hungry an hour after eating a meal!

1. Take Control of Your Hunger Hormones

If you are losing weight, your hunger hormone ghrelin is increased. To control it, you need to include quality carbohydrates and protein at every meal, and eat every 3-4 hours. Including this balance can impact hormonal and physiological cues so that your body tells you you’re full at the right time. 

2. Focus on Volume

Your stomach stretches when you eat. And as it stretches it touches the vagus nerve to communicate with your brain about hunger and fullness. 

Instead of filling your stomach with energy dense foods that pack in extra calories and not as much nutrition, focus on vegetables and protein. These foods provide both fiber and quality nutrients to optimize your meals. You’ll be eating fewer calories while still feeling full and satisfied.

3. Make Sure your Food is Pleasurable

You need to look forward to what you’re going to eat. It should make you happy and be an enjoyable experience. If what you eat doesn’t check these boxes, you’ll still feel hungry. 

So remember to include a variety of foods with different flavors and food combinations that will be pleasurable for you. Then you won’t be as inclined to grab a few cookies or the bag of chips after a meal.

Example Meals and Snacks to Feel Full

So what will these tips look like in action? I have a few different examples for you.

Chicken and Veggie Quesadilla

This quesadilla has protein from the chicken, cheese, and tortilla. Plus it has fiber and carbohydrates from the tortilla and veggies. The veggies add volume, the carbohydrates and protein help with ghrelin, and it tastes delicious

Grain and Veggie Plate with Protein

Another good example is this plate with a whole grain, steak, and cooked veggies. It has a lot of volume from the cooked veggies, fiber from the whole grains, and quality protein from the steak. I added a sauce to add to the flavor and make it more pleasurable too.

Fiber Muffins

Another easy option are these fiber-filled muffins. They are perfectly sweet and delicious, packed with nutrition, and can be paired with more protein for a satisfying meal. 

Ham & Cheese Melt

And lastly we have a dish that may surprise you. A ham and cheese melt that you can make for breakfast. Because who doesn’t smile when thinking of grilled cheese? It doesn’t only have to be an option for lunch! 

Final Suggestions for How to Feel Full

Hopefully these examples show how your food choices can taste good, keep your hunger in control, and keep you satisfied while reaching your goals. Each meal won’t be perfect, but if these are your targets, and you’re consistent, you will feel and see the results you’re looking for.

Keep reading for more key strategies for effective weight loss:

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